Tag Archives: jam

Victorian Flower Jelly Pudding – Layered Jello Mold

Victorian flower jelly pudding – this layered jelly and custard dessert topped with edible flowers will sure impress your guests!

Victorian Flower Jelly Pudding - Layered Jello Mold

Victorian jellies and custards were elaborate desserts served at formal dinners. This layered jello mold consist of fluffy vanilla pudding mousse with whipped egg whites, lemon jelly and is topped with edible flowers. And if you want an even more impressive dessert, you can make naturally blue butterfly pea jelly instead of lemon jelly! Continue reading Victorian Flower Jelly Pudding – Layered Jello Mold

All-Natural Rose Petal Jelly – Victorian Recipe

All-Natural Rose Petal Jelly Victorian Recipe Historical Cooking No Artificial Food Dye Color

This rose jelly is made with fresh rose petals. It’s a stunning dessert, delicious and easy to make. Isn’t the color amazing? The Victorian rose jelly is made without artificial food coloring – it’s naturally colored with pink rose petals!

Victorian rose jelly is so delicious: sweet and sour, and it really tastes like roses smell. While fresh rose petals are bitter, rose jelly isn’t at all bitter! This recipe for all-natural rose petal jelly is from the Victorian era.

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