Category Archives: 1950s

How To Make A 1950s Petticoat

How To Make A 1950s Petticoat Tutorial

A 1950s petticoat has been on my sewing list for years! And now I finally made one. 😀 I like how it turned out but it took way longer than I anticipated: I thought a 1950s petticoat would be a quick sewing project – but it definitely was not! 😉 It took me ages to cut, gather and finish all those long tiers of the petticoat. Continue reading How To Make A 1950s Petticoat

1940 – 1950s Bra & Garter Belt + Free Patterns

1940s 1950s Bra And Garter Belt + Free Patterns-24

If you follow me on Instagram, you know that we’re clearing out Grandma’s house at the moment. And I found some of her lingerie: bras and garter belts! They’re probably from the late 1940s or early 1950s. The bras have the characteristic, pointy, conical bullet bra shape of the 1950s – but not as exaggerated as some of the 1950s bras.


And if you want to sew your own pin-up bra or vintage garter belt, I traced the patterns of two of the bras and of one of the garter belts. You can download the patterns for free and adjust them to your size. Continue reading 1940 – 1950s Bra & Garter Belt + Free Patterns