Because I had various fabric scraps left over from other sewing projects, I made some Edwardian winter accessories. 😀 I made an Edwardian muff and Edwardian faux fur winter hat with various faux fur and cotton velvet fabric scraps. And I also made an Edwardian imitation ostrich crochet boa – something I’ve been wanting to try for a long time!
I wanted to use up all the little leftover fabric scraps, but I didn’t have high hopes that the stash busting sewing projects would look good in the end. But I’m so happy with how my Edwardian winter accessories turned out! 😊
‘The Winter Girl of today does not look very unlike her grandmother, inasmuch as the revival of long-ago styles has brought them back in a slightly modified form. We have […] the quaint boas with ends tossing back to float in the wind, and the little fur toques’ (Los Angeles Herald, 1907).
Related: The Edwardian Summer Girl
Edwardian Faux Fur Hat
Edwardian Fur Winter Hats
In the Edwardian era, small fur hats and toques were a popular choice for winter hats, particularly for winter sports such as skating.
The skating ‘hat should be small and should fit snugly on the head.’ (Los Angeles Herald, 1909)
Related: Edwardian Skating Costumes
If Edwardian knit and crochet tam hats were too casual for you, small fur hats were usually worn instead. 😉
Related: Edwardian & WW1 Tam Hats – Free Knit & Crochet Patterns
‘Smalls hats and turbans are best for skating, as the wind cannot so readily find its way under the brim; besides, veils are more easily adjusted’ (Los Angeles Herald, 1907).
Made With: Cotton Velvet Scraps & Faux Fur Collar
For my Edwardian faux fur hat, I used black cotton velvet fabric scraps left over from my 1920s black velvet jacket.
And I also used a black faux fur collar left over from a modern wool coat that I turned into an Edwardian braided jacket.
‘A small hat is essential for skating, as any width of brim will make out of door life in windy weather a misery instead of a pleasure. The little fur turbans that can be bought so reasonably at this time of year make about the best skating hat procurable. Black fur is, perhaps, the most useful, as it can be worn with any gown’ (Los Angeles Herald, 1909).
Edwardian Faux Fur Hat: Sewing Details
I needed all of the black faux fur coat collar for my Edwardian winter hat. I reshaped the collar slightly and then sewed it into a circle large enough to go around my head. Then I sewed the small pieces of cotton velvet together. I basically made a velvet beret or tam hat that sits inside the faux fur circle. The velvet part can expand when I wear a high Edwardian pompadour hairstyle.
I hand-stitched the black velvet beret to the faux fur circle. And then I made a hat lining from small scraps of striped viscose taffeta lining fabric, also left over from my braided Edwardian jacket.
Edwardian Imitation Ostrich Crochet Boa
In the Edwardian era, fur and ostrich boas were all the rage! But not everyone could afford a fur or ostrich boa. So there was an alternative: the imitation ostrich boa made with yarn and a crochet hook! 😀
A faux ostrich crochet boa was worn by kids or less well-off women who couldn’t afford a real fur or ostrich boa. Keep in mind that in the Edwardian era there were ongoing costs for fur and feather accessories because you had to pay a furrier to store your fur and feather items during the summer months to protect them from moths and other fabric pests.
So far I’ve found two instructions for imitation ostrich crochet boas from the 1900s and also instructions for faux ostrich crochet hat trimmings from the 1910s. However, I didn’t use any of the historical crochet instructions. I followed this youtube tutorial for a crochet boa and increased the stitches to make my crochet boa look more Edwardian.
In the Edwardian era, you would’ve used wool yarn to make a faux ostrich boa. But because I wasn’t sure how my Edwardian crochet boa would turn out and whether the loops would felt in the washer, I used acrylic yarn for this boa scarf.
Edwardian Muff
Muffs have been a popular accessory in the past to keep your hands warm. But, sadly, muffs have almost completely gone out of fashion, except for children. I was surprised how much I like my muff: it’s small, lightweight and much warmer on a cold winter day than wool knit mittens! 😀
‘A fur muff is one of the delights of existence. A woman often has cold hands, and a muff will save her positive suffering. And since the study of hygiene has increased our medical knowledge, we are aware of the dangers of cold extremities. […] So to every woman, whether rich or poor, a good muff has become a necessity. But a muff is a thing that must be chosen with infinite discretion. It takes, as it were, an active part in one’s toilette, and should not only be in keeping with one’s means, but also with one’s way of life and personal appearance. […]
Then complexion has a word to say on the subject. A muff does not come near the face, like a stole or a boa, but, all the same, it counts for much in one’s costume. As we know, many women treat a muff like a fan; they wave it about and put it against their faces in a distinctly fascinating fashion. Hence the fur used ought to suit the tone of one’s complexion. […]
If economy is an object – as it is to most of us – we must bear in mind that a muff is subject to usage more or less rough. It is thrown down, is at times sat upon, or falls upon the ground. Now and then it has an unlucky fall on the ice or out of a motor. Hence the fur of which it is made ought to be durable, and to have weather-resisting qualities.’ (Every Woman’s Encyclopaedia, 1910-2)
In the 1910s large muffs were all the rage. But in the early Edwardian era fashionable muffs were quite small. I wanted to make an early Edwardian muff: So I made a small muff.
Muff Made With Fabric Scraps
For my Edwardian muff I again used various fabric scraps leftover from other sewing projects. I used white faux fur fabric scraps which were left over from my Edwardian blue wool coat.
Related: Edwardian Blue Wool Coat
I also used different polyester batting fabric scraps left over from various coat and jacket sewing projects. I quilted the small pieces of polyester batting together as a base for the muff. Then I used a different scrap piece of white faux fur fabric as warm lining for my Edwardian muff. This white fake fur fabric was ugly but it made a warm lining. I also used white satin fabric and black cotton velvet ribbon to embellish my muff. The geometric pattern is inspired by the collar of my 1920s wool coat.
Muffs are not only made ‘of fur, but many charming creations are often produced in silk, satin, brocade, and chiffon.’ (Every Woman’s Encyclopaedia, 1910-2)
There was a lot of hand sewing involved to sew all the layers of the muff together. And it was no fun to make the muff because the satin fabric frayed badly and the fluff of the faux fur was everywhere! 😉 But I love how my Edwardian muff turned out. 😀
Related: Edwardian Walking Dresses
Edwardian Winter Outfit
I wear my Edwardian faux fur winter accessories with my short Edwardian walking skirt that I made from gray wool broadcloth fabric scraps left over from my Victorian paletot coat.
Related: Short Edwardian Wool Walking Skirt
I also wear my refashioned black cotton sweater and an Edwardian-style elastic belt. Surprisingly, belts in the Edwardian era were often made of elastic!
The metal belt buckle of my elastic belt is not functional: my Edwardian-style elastic belt is reinforced with two bones at the center back and closes with three hooks & eyes.
And of course, I wear the Edwardian winter outfit over all the necessary Edwardian underwear: chemise, stockings and my comfy Edwardian unboned sports corset.
Related: Edwardian Unboned Sports Corset