Tag Archives: peanut

7 Types Of Buttercream + Recipes – American, German, Italian …

Recipes for 7 types of buttercreams: American, German, Italian, French, Swiss, custard and flour buttercream. With flavor alternatives – vanilla, strawberry, peanut butter and coffee – and substitutes for vegan buttercream!

7 Types Of Buttercream Recipes

Learn to make 7 types of buttercreams from scratch: American, German, Italian, French, Swiss, custard and flour buttercream. American, German and flour buttercream are the easiest buttercreams because they’re egg-free. They’re almost foolproof to make! But if you have egg whites leftover, Swiss or Italian meringue buttercream is your best choice. And if you have egg yolks leftover, you can choose between French and custard buttercream. Continue reading 7 Types Of Buttercream + Recipes – American, German, Italian …

10+ Vegan Pie Crust Recipes

14 delicious pie crust recipes – all vegan (dairy-free & egg-free), most are nut-free and two even gluten-free! Vegan pie crusts made with aquafaba, red palm or coconut oil, cocoa butter or olive oil, raw nut butter or nut flour.

10+ Vegan Pie Crust Recipes

I tried all the vegan pie crust recipes and they were delicious! Of course, they’re different than butter-based pie crusts: The coconut pie crust tastes of coconut, the cocoa butter pie crust tastes of chocolate and the almond pie crust tastes slightly of almonds. The boiled pie crust and the pasta dough pie crust aren’t as flaky as a pie crust made with butter. The chickpea flour pie crust is only for savory pies and the palm oil pie crust is bright yellow!

My favorite vegan pie crusts are the aquafaba pie crust, the hazelnut pie crust and the pie crust with soy milk and lemon juice. The aquafaba and soy milk lemon pie crusts are just as flaky as an all-butter pie crust and they have a neutral taste – perfect for all kinds of pies! And the hazelnut is delicious with fruit pies, such as blackberry pie, apple pie or juneberry pie, and if you have pie dough leftover you can turn it into hazelnut cookies or dog treats. Continue reading 10+ Vegan Pie Crust Recipes