Attach Labels To Glass With DIY Wheatpaste – Tutorial

Attach Labels To Glass With DIY Wheatpaste - Tutorial

I never thought it’d be so easy to attach paper labels to glass. And what’s best: the glue is easy, homemade and natural! 😀 You could even eat the glue! 😉


Easy DIY Wheatpaste Recipe

Easy DIY Wheatpaste Recipe

Mix flour with cold water till the mixture has the consistency of pancake batter.

DIY Wheatpaste Glue like Pancake Batter

Let it stand for some minutes, and the homemade glue is ready to use. The wheatpaste will keep some days in the fridge.

diy paper label tutorial

Print out labels on ordinary white printing paper and cut them out.

easy diy wheatpaste recipe natural homemade

With a brush or the back of a spoon, brush wheatpaste thinly onto the back of the label. Make sure the glass is free from grease.

Attach Labels To Glass With DIY Wheatpaste - Tutorial

Attach the label to the bottle or jar, smooth it out from the center to the edges with a paper towel, and wipe off excess wheatpaste. Let the label dry for some minutes. Once dry, the label sticks firmly to the glass. If the label comes off, because the glass wasn’t free from grease, you can easily reattach the label: just brush some water onto the back of the label and glue it down again. When you want to remove the label, soak the jar in water and the label comes off easily. Because the wheatpaste washes off so easily, labels attached with wheatpaste can also be used to temporarily mark glasses for a party! 😀

Attach Labels To Glass With DIY Wheatpaste - Tutorial

Here I used wheatpaste glue to attach the label for my homemade Victorian Cucumber Complexion Cream.

4 thoughts on “Attach Labels To Glass With DIY Wheatpaste – Tutorial

  1. Hi, thanks for sharing this! I’m interested in using it for some holiday gifts. There will be about thirty 3″ circular labels. Could you recommend approximate amounts of flour and water?

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