Tag Archives: underwear

Hand-Embroidered Edwardian Eyelet Lace Camisole

Hand Embroidered Edwardian Eyelet Lace Camisole

I’ve been wanting to make an Edwardian hand-embroidered eyelet lace camisole from scratch for a long time and now I’ve finally made one! Yay! 😀 I embroidered the camisole by hand, carefully cut along the embroidered scallops and then hand sewed the side seams together with Edwardian hemmed fell seams.

Eyelet lace – aka broderie anglaise – is a historical cutwork and whitework embroidery. Broderie anglaise looks beautiful, isn’t too difficult to make but takes ages to embroider! 😉 That’s why it took me a few years to finally finish my hand-embroidered Edwardian eyelet lace camisole! Continue reading Hand-Embroidered Edwardian Eyelet Lace Camisole

Refashioned Edwardian Lace Slip

Refashioned Edwardian Lace Slip

This refashioned Edwardian lace slip was my Edwardian combination before! 😉 The Edwardian combination was one of my first Edwardian sewing projects so it wasn’t historically correct. The seams were just zigzagged, velvet trim was never used on Edwardian underwear and never in this way. On top of that, I also made a mistake when cutting out the combination suit so there was an ugly zigzagged join down the front of the drawers part. And because of all that I didn’t like it anymore and never wore it. But the fabric was still good. Therefore I decided to refashion it into something I’d like and wear! Continue reading Refashioned Edwardian Lace Slip

Edwardian Princess Slip

Edwardian Princess Slip

‘Every well groomed woman is very particular to see that outside garments fit without wrinkles and with a glove-like appearance across the hips and back. […] The fitted princess slip has come into use to overcome this difficulty’ (School Sewing Based On Home Problems, 1916).

I’m currently sewing an Edwardian lace lingerie dress and I made this Edwardian princess slip to wear underneath. Princess slips were an alternative to a separate petticoat and corset cover (camisole) in the 1900s. Because princess slips fit smoothly over the body and don’t have a seam at the waist they were considered superior to underwear with waist seams. But they are also more difficult to make than a separate petticoat and camisole! 😉 Continue reading Edwardian Princess Slip

Edwardian Slip With Lace Inserts – History Bounding

Edwardian Slip With Lace Inserts

The Edwardian era is my favorite historical era at the moment, that’s why I made another piece of Edwardian underwear! 😀 You could call this piece of lingerie a slip, chemise, princess slip or princess petticoat. And in the Edwardian era, it was also called ‘combination chemise and short petticoat’. It combined the corset cover and short under petticoat into one garment and was usually worn over the chemise and corset. Continue reading Edwardian Slip With Lace Inserts – History Bounding

How To Sew A Historical Peasant Bodice

Sew a simple unboned historical peasant bodice with front lacing for historical reenactment or as modern cottagecore lace-up corset top!

Historical Working Woman Peasant Bodice Corset Top

In the past, peasants and other working women often wore simple unboned bodices or lightly boned stays. My historical working woman stays are based on antique rural stays. This historical peasant bodice features a low neckline, shoulder straps, spiral lacing at the center front and princess seams at the back. You can make it completely unboned or just lightly boned. Continue reading How To Sew A Historical Peasant Bodice