Natural green food coloring is easy to make at home: All you need is fresh spinach leaves! I use natural green food coloring to color mint chocolate chip ice cream, custard, sugar hearts and sugar sprinkles green. And don’t worry natural green food coloring doesn’t taste spinachy, it just tastes fresh! Continue reading Natural Green Food Coloring – Fresh Spinach Leaves
Tag Archives: spinach
Edible Moss Or Grass With Natural Green Food Coloring
Edible moss or grass is easy to make at home. Usually, edible moss is colored with artificial food coloring but here I’ll show you how you can easily make edible moss or grass with homemade natural green food coloring. Below you’ll find edible grass and moss that is naturally colored with kale, sunflower seeds, green peas and spinach. Continue reading Edible Moss Or Grass With Natural Green Food Coloring
25+ Naturally Green St. Patrick’s Day Recipes
Cake, ice cream, custard, bread, pasta & bread – all naturally colored green for St. Patrick’s Day!
You don’t need artificial food coloring to dye food vibrant green for St. Patrick’s Day. Use sunflower seeds for dark green, kale or wheatgrass for bright green, matcha for moss green, pistachios or green peas for light green, red cabbage for blue green, kiwi for yellow green, and spinach for light or dark green. Continue reading 25+ Naturally Green St. Patrick’s Day Recipes
Victorian Green Pistachio Ice Cream (No Food Coloring Added)
This recipe for naturally green pistachio ice cream is from the Victorian era. It was published in Mrs. Putnams Receipt Book in 1849. The naturally green pistachio ice cream is made without artificial food coloring. Continue reading Victorian Green Pistachio Ice Cream (No Food Coloring Added)
Rainbow Ice Cream Cake With Natural Food Coloring
I made rainbow ice cream cake! Yay! Doesn’t it look pretty? All ice cream I used is homemade, vegan and naturally colored with fruits and vegetables – even the blue ice cream! 😀 Continue reading Rainbow Ice Cream Cake With Natural Food Coloring
Carrot Cupcakes With DIY Edible Grass
These are the best carrot cake cupcakes I’ve ever had! 😀 Moist and flavorful with grated carrots and ground almonds. They’re perfect for Easter or anytime! The carrot cupcakes are topped with lemon icing and edible grass, and decorated with homemade naturally colored marzipan carrots! Continue reading Carrot Cupcakes With DIY Edible Grass
Moss Cupcakes – Naturally Colored With Matcha And Spinach
Since I’ve seen beautiful edible moss cakes on the internet, I had to try them out. But moss cakes are usually colored with artificial green food coloring. I didn’t want to use artificial food coloring, therefore I colored these moss cupcakes naturally with matcha and spinach! 😀 Continue reading Moss Cupcakes – Naturally Colored With Matcha And Spinach
Naturally Colored Sugar Carrot Cake Decorations
I made sugar carrot decorations again. This time I used granulated sugar instead of powdered sugar. The sugar carrots are naturally colored with fresh carrot juice and pureed spinach. Continue reading Naturally Colored Sugar Carrot Cake Decorations
15 DIY Naturally Colored Sugar Sprinkles & Hearts
Coloring sugar naturally with fruits & vegetables is very easy and so much fun! 😀 Can you believe that all these sugar sprinkles & hearts are naturally colored?
I used fruits, vegetables, flowers, herbs and teas to naturally dye the sugar sprinkles and sugar hearts. You can make almost any color with homemade natural food coloring. Learn how to make 15 DIY all-natural colored sugar sprinkles & sugar hearts in all colors of the rainbow! 🌈 Continue reading 15 DIY Naturally Colored Sugar Sprinkles & Hearts
Rainbow Cake With Natural Food Coloring
Rainbow cakes are everywhere on pinterest right now! And since I’m experimenting with natural food colorings at the moment, I thought I’d try to make rainbow cake with natural food coloring! 😀 Continue reading Rainbow Cake With Natural Food Coloring