Tag Archives: pink

15 DIY Naturally Colored Sugar Sprinkles & Hearts

Naturally Colored Sugar Sprinkles And Sugar Hearts

Coloring sugar naturally with fruits & vegetables is very easy and so much fun! 😀 Can you believe that all these sugar sprinkles & hearts are naturally colored?

I used fruits, vegetables, flowers, herbs and teas to naturally dye the sugar sprinkles and sugar hearts. You can make almost any color with homemade natural food coloring. Learn how to make 15 DIY all-natural colored sugar sprinkles & sugar hearts in all colors of the rainbow! 🌈 Continue reading 15 DIY Naturally Colored Sugar Sprinkles & Hearts

19 Ways How To Dye Easter Eggs Naturally

How To Dye Easter Eggs Naturally

Dyeing Easter eggs naturally is really easy and so much fun! 😀

Each Easter we dye Easter eggs with natural dyes. Over the years we’ve tried different vegetable dye materials: vegetables, herbs, teas etc. Onion skins and red cabbage produced the most vibrant colors. But this Easter I also wanted naturally dyed green, pink and yellow Easter eggs! 😀 Continue reading 19 Ways How To Dye Easter Eggs Naturally

Rainbow Cake With Natural Food Coloring

Rainbow Cake With Natural Food Coloring

Rainbow cakes are everywhere on pinterest right now! And since I’m experimenting with natural food colorings at the moment, I thought I’d try to make rainbow cake with natural food coloring! 😀 Continue reading Rainbow Cake With Natural Food Coloring