Tag Archives: hat

18th Century Hand-Plaited Straw Bergère Hat

Hand Braided 18th Century Straw Bergere Hat From Scratch

Bergère hats were popular in the 18th century. A bergère is a hat with a low crown and wide brim and was usually made of straw. Despite the name – bergère means shepherdess in French – bergère hats were also worn by rich women.

Inspired by antique 18th century straw bergère hats like this 18th century straw bergère hat at the MET museum, I made this straw hat from scratch! I used wheat straw, soaked it in water to make it bendable, braided it into a long braid and then stitched the straw braid together with invisible stitches. Continue reading 18th Century Hand-Plaited Straw Bergère Hat

Edwardian Summer Hat

Edwardian Hat

For a ‘garden or porch party […] the summer girl may wear her most picturesque, most be-flowered, most lacy millinery possession […] a picture hat of some fine open-work straw trimmed with roses to match the flowers in the dress. Or it may be a lingerie hat of lace’ (Evening Star, 1904).

In the Edwardian era, summer dresses were often worn with a matching summer hat made of thin fabrics and trimmed with lace, ruffles and flowers. Continue reading Edwardian Summer Hat