Tag Archives: hat

How To Sew A 1920s Wool Cloche Hat – Tutorial With Free Pattern

How To Make A 1920s Wool Cloche Hat - Tutorial With Free Pattern

In the 1920s, cloche hats were not always store-bought: There were many instructions published about how to sew cloche hats at home. So it’s authentic to grab some fabric and sew your own cloche hat! 😀 Continue reading How To Sew A 1920s Wool Cloche Hat – Tutorial With Free Pattern

1920s Style Raincoat And Cloche Hat

1920s Raincoat

I used a pink waterproof nylon fabric for my 1920s inspired raincoat. I drafted the pattern myself, based on 1920s raincoats and dresses. I also made a matching cloche hat which is lined with cotton twill. The raincoat is closed in front with press buttons. Because I hadn’t more of this fabric, the raincoat is a bit short. Maybe I’ll add some different colored nylon fabric at the hem. What do you think?