Tag Archives: accessory

Victorian & Edwardian Travel Accessories

Victorian & Edwardian Travel Accessories
‘It is a delightful experience to sit in a comfortable, two-horse victoria at the door of the Hotel Toblach, while the driver gathers up the reins preparatory to starting either for Cortina or for the charming intermediate halting-places – Schluderbach and Landro. […] Huge domes and spires, really miles away, seemed close at hand; and like the desert air in purity was the breeze which now and then swept downward from them to refresh us as we drove along.’ (The Dolomites, 1901)
Victorians and Edwardians were fond of traveling. ‘The Grand Tour’ – a travel through European countries – was a popular travel to finish the education of wealthy young adults. Italy and Greece were the most popular travel destinations, and some even traveled to the Far East! The advent of the railroad and steamships in the Victorian era made traveling much easier. In the Victorian era, there were already unchaperoned traveling women, such as Ida Pfeiffer – the travel blogger of the Victorian era! 😉 Continue reading Victorian & Edwardian Travel Accessories

Edwardian Neckwear: Collars, Jabots & Fichus

Edwardian Neckwear - Collars And Jabots
Miami University Liberal Arts Club, 1905

Neckwear was an important accessory in the Edwardian era. Jabots, collars, ties and scarfs lend variety to the severe shirtwaist, add a splash of color to dark wool dresses and help to keep the dress clean. Collars were usually detachable in the Edwardian era, ‘since the collar soils so much sooner than the waist.’ (Los Angeles Herald, 1907)

Most store-bought neckwear was expensive in the Edwardian era, so it was recommended to make lace jabots and collars at home with lace and fabric scraps. Continue reading Edwardian Neckwear: Collars, Jabots & Fichus

DIY Boho Pom Pom Hair Accessory

DIY Boho Pom Pom Hair Accessory

I love the boho hairstyles by Mara Hoffman which are made with Indian camel swags! 😀 And finally I made my own pompom hair accessory. Yay! I love it! In this tutorial I’ll show you how you can make your own and how to use the pompom hair accessory for a cute boho hairstyle. Continue reading DIY Boho Pom Pom Hair Accessory

30+ Easy DIY Summer Crafts & Recipes

Homemade Cherry Pie
Homemade Cherry Pie

Celebrate summer with these easy and fun DIY projects and summer recipes. 30+ tutorials to make your own summer accessories, summer recipes with fresh berries & flowers and, of course, ice cream recipes! Those long summer days are perfect to chill out on your DIY pallet couch with a glass of homemade refreshing lemonade enjoying the smell of your natural rose petal blush! Continue reading 30+ Easy DIY Summer Crafts & Recipes