Make an easy Edwardian ribbon fuchsia with gold and silver ribbon!
‘Charming and novel effects can be obtained in “hoar frost” embroidery, a work that will appeal very strongly to all lovers of the dainty and delicate. The materials required are simple and inexpensive. Silver gauze ribbon in half and quarter inch widths […] and net’ (Every Woman’s Encyclopaedia, 1910-2a).
This authentic Edwardian ribbon fuchsia flower is easy and fast to make. All you need is a piece of gold and silver ribbon! In the Edwardian era, “hoar frost” fuchsia flowers were worn as headdress.
Edwardian Ribbon Fuchsia Headdress
‘The very simplicity of the present fashion in evening dress seems to demand something important in the way of a coiffure decoration. A change of head-dress, moreover, has a great effect in making the same gown look different for various functions. It is a great advantage, therefore, for the girl with clever fingers to manufacture some dainty trifles of this kind.’ (Every Woman’s Encyclopaedia, 1910-2b)
‘For a fancy dress intended to represent “Winter” or “Frost” this application of “frost” embroidery could be elaborated in conjunction with crystal beads and bugles. A few beads lightly attached to the silver flowers by a spot of gum [arabic] would give the sparkling effect of frost’ (Every Woman’s Encyclopaedia, 1910-2a).
‘The […] illustration depicts a very novel idea. A twist of silver gauze is passed around the hair and unshed at one side of the back, under a knot of gauze with a hanging cluster of gold and silver fuchsias.’ (Every Woman’s Encyclopaedia, 1910-2b)
Edwardian Ribbon Fuchsia – Tutorial
You’ll need:
- metallic gold ribbon
- sheer silver ribbon
- gold and silver thread
- needle and scissor
Make The Stamens
‘To make the fuchsias, get some narrow gold cord and ravel a little piece about a couple of inches long: and double it in half to form the stamens. Join these to another piece of gold cord several inches long for the stalk.’ (Every Woman’s Encyclopaedia, 1910-2b)
I didn’t have gold cord, so I made a twisted cord with two different gold threads. I also used the gold threads to make the stamens.
Related: How To Make A Tassel
Make The Golden Petals
‘Take a little piece of gold cloth, thin but not transparent, fold it and gather it, and roll it around the stamens so that they show well below it. Just above tie a knot in the gold cord […] The knot in the cord is to make these petals stand out properly.’ (Every Woman’s Encyclopaedia, 1910-2b)
I used gold ribbon instead of gold fabric so I didn’t fold it before gathering it. Stitch the ribbon ends together with running stitches.
The Silver Petals (Sepals)
‘Stitch on four little petals of fine transparent silver gauze, folded on the cross so that they can be pulled out into the correct long shape.’ (Every Woman’s Encyclopaedia, 1910-2b)
Again, I didn’t have transparent silver gauze, so I used sheer silver ribbon instead.
Fold both sides of the ribbon inwards. Then fold both sides of the ribbon inwards again and tie the petal together with gold thread. Stitch the petal to the gold cord. Make three more petals.
It isn’t necessary to cut the ribbon between each petal – just fold the ribbon to make four petals then cut off the ribbon.
Finishing The Ribbon Fuchsia Flower
‘Where the petals are gathered, they should be caught together in two places’ (Every Woman’s Encyclopaedia, 1910-2b).
To make the ribbon fuchsia bell-shaped, sew or tie the petals together with silver thread.
Finished Edwardian Ribbon Fuchsia Headdress
Here’s the finished Edwardian ribbon fuchsia headdress. I love how this floral headdress turned out! It’s easy and cheap to make. And you could use ribbons in other colors for the fuchsia flowers – such as pink, purple, white … – to match your dress!
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