Tag Archives: victorian

How To Make Rushlights

Learn how to make rushlights with leftover cooking fat! You can use this DIY bacon fat candle with a DIY natural wick as emergency candle or as eco-friendly alternative to store-bought candles!

How To Make Rushlights DIY Emergency Candle Tutorial With Leftover Cooking Fat DIY Natural Wicks

‘”I have no more influence than a farthing rushlight.” “Well,” was the reply, “a farthing rushlight can do a great deal: it can set a haystack on fire, it can burn down a house; yea, more, it will enable a poor creature to read […] Go your way, friend; let your farthing rushlight’ shine. (The Christian Miscellany, And Family Visiter, 1868)

Rushlights are one of the most ancient forms of lighting: They were already used in the Roman Empire and they were still used in the late Victorian era, especially in working class households. Rushlights were a cheap alternative to candles: They were usually made at home by children, women or older people.

Rushlights are really easy to make: You can still make them today as eco-friendly and cheap emergency candle. Besides, rushlights are a great way to use up leftover cooking grease! All you need to do is to gather rushes in summer or autumn, peel and dry them and then dip them into cooking grease or tallow. Continue reading How To Make Rushlights

How To Make A Straw Hat From Scratch

Learn how to make a straw hat from scratch with straw or grass!

How To Make A Hand Braided 18th Century Straw Bergere Hat From Scratch

In the Victorian era, straw hats were made from scratch: Straw or grass was cut, bleached and then braided. By the way, straw braiding was called straw plaiting or straw platting in the Victorian era. These straw braids were then sewn together to make DIY straw hats. Continue reading How To Make A Straw Hat From Scratch

20 DIY Victorian Christmas Tree Ornaments

The Victorian Christmas tree was decorated with edible Christmas tree decorations such as fruits, nuts, homemade Christmas candy and cookies but also with DIY Christmas ornaments.

DIY Victorian Christmas Tree Ornaments

In the Victorian era, Christmas trees were usually decorated with real fruits and nuts. Fruits, like apples and oranges, as well as nuts, such as walnuts and acorns, were either used in their natural state or gilded with gold paint or imitation gold leaf before hanging on the Victorian Christmas tree. Continue reading 20 DIY Victorian Christmas Tree Ornaments

How To Make Natural Straw Star Ornaments

Learn how to make natural straw star ornaments from scratch! Old-fashioned straw ornaments are an eco-friendly, cheap and easy natural Christmas decoration.

How To Make Natural Straw Star Ornaments Step By Step Tutorial

Straw star ornaments are easy to make at home. All you need for these natural Christmas ornaments is straw and a piece of thread. DIY straw ornaments look pretty as Christmas decorations. Continue reading How To Make Natural Straw Star Ornaments

10 Ways How To Get Rid Of Moths & Carpet Beetles Naturally – Historical & Today

How to prevent moths from eating clothes? How to get rid of moths and carpet beetles? Are you wondering how to store your expensive vintage and historical wool clothes to keep them save from moths? And how did the Victorians prevent moths damage to clothes and carpets? Find out how to prevent and get rid of moths and carpet beetles effectively and naturally!

10 Ways How To Get Rid Of Moths & Carpet Beetles Naturally - Historical Tips & Today - How To Stop Moths From Eating Your Clothes

If you find holes in your woolen clothes, you know you have a problem with fabric pests! There are two main insect species that damage woolen clothes: clothes moths and carpet beetles. The larvae of moths and carpet beetles eat irregular holes into wool clothes, especially in the summertime.

Clothes moths, as well as carpet beetles, can do serious damage to expensive and valuable historical wool clothes. Continue reading 10 Ways How To Get Rid Of Moths & Carpet Beetles Naturally – Historical & Today

10 Victorian Christmas Gift Wrapping Ideas

10 festive DIY Christmas gift wrapping ideas from the Victorian era.

10 Victorian Christmas Gift Wrapping Ideas

‘Christmas presents must be wrapped very daintily this season’ (The Guthrie Daily Leader, 1909).

The traditional colors for Victorian Christmas gift wrapping were white and red: either white paper with red ribbon, or red paper with Christmas ribbons. But the Victorians also knew fun ways to wrap small gifts or give money as a gift: Victorian Christmas gifts were disguised as faux snowballs, Christmas crackers or even sausages! Continue reading 10 Victorian Christmas Gift Wrapping Ideas

4 Ways To Make Sugar Christmas Ornaments – Edible Christmas Tree Decorations

Make edible Christmas ornaments this year! These 4 homemade sugar Christmas ornaments are so pretty and incredibly easy to make! DIY candy Christmas decorations are easy last-minute Christmas DIY crafts for kids.

4 Ways To Make Sugar Christmas Ornaments - Edible Christmas Tree Decorations

Sugar ornaments are traditional Christmas tree ornaments. One of the following sugar ornament recipes was even published 280 years ago in 1741!

These edible Christmas tree decorations glitter like ice and snow. But these sparkling candy Christmas ornaments aren’t just pretty: When Christmas is over, you can eat the sugar ornaments (or use them for cakes and cookies in place of regular sugar)! Continue reading 4 Ways To Make Sugar Christmas Ornaments – Edible Christmas Tree Decorations

How To Make Paper Christmas Ornaments – Victorian Dresden Ornaments

Make traditional Victorian Christmas ornaments with paper this Christmas! Homemade paper ornaments are a budget-friendly and easy Christmas craft project that you can make with your kids! Read on to find out how to make paper Christmas tree decorations.

How To Make Paper Christmas Ornaments - Victorian Dresden Ornaments

Paper Christmas ornaments and paper mache ornaments were popular Victorian Christmas tree ornaments. Paper Christmas tree ornaments were inexpensive and could be easily made at home. Continue reading How To Make Paper Christmas Ornaments – Victorian Dresden Ornaments

How To Make Tallow Candles

Learn how to make a tallow candle with kitchen waste and a DIY wick made from natural materials! Tallow candles are great as emergency candles and for the holiday season.

How To Make Tallow Candles

Tallow candles have a long history. They were the most widely used candles since ancient times before paraffin and stearin were discovered in the Victorian era. Tallow candles were a cheaper alternative to expensive beeswax candles.

While tallow candles could already be bought at shops in the Middle Ages, tallow candles were often made at home: Because tallow and other animal fats were readily available in households. As wick they either used cotton string or dried rushes. Read on to find out how to make a molded or dipped tallow candle with a DIY cotton or rush wick. Continue reading How To Make Tallow Candles

Dried Orange Slices (Oven Or Dehydrator)

How to make dried orange slices in the oven or dehydrator as natural Christmas ornaments.

Dried Orange Slices

Oranges have a long tradition as Christmas tree ornaments. Since medieval times, oranges were used to decorate the Christmas tree. And in the Victorian era, oranges were still popular as Christmas tree decorations. Continue reading Dried Orange Slices (Oven Or Dehydrator)