Tag Archives: hair care

Homemade Natural Green Soap & Soda Shampoo Recipe

Homemade Natural Green Soap & Soda Shampoo Recipe

Because just soap didn’t clean my hair thoroughly, I came up with this natural soda & soap shampoo recipe. It cleans the hair just like store-bought shampoo, and because it’s thickened with starch, it’s easy to distribute in the hair. And it’s naturally green! 😀 Continue reading Homemade Natural Green Soap & Soda Shampoo Recipe

Victorian Bran Egg Shampoo For Thick, Soft And Glossy Hair

Victorian Bran Egg Shampoo For Thick, Soft And Glossy Hair

I tried the Victorian ‘Hair Wash For Thick, Soft And Glossy Hair’. This hair wash is a bit more complicated than other Victorian homemade shampoos I tried because it involves a 2-step hair cleansing process: First washing the hair with boiled wheat bran and soap, and then washing the hair with an egg yolk. But because the hair wash was advertised as producing thick, soft and glossy hair, I had to try it. 😀 Continue reading Victorian Bran Egg Shampoo For Thick, Soft And Glossy Hair

Heat, Hair & Hair Color – Victorian And Edwardian Hair Care

Heat, Hair & Hair Color – Victorian And Edwardian Hair Care

Daytime hairdressing

It’s restful for the scalp if the hair isn’t all the time dressed in the same way: ‘In the early part of the day, when simple frocks are worn, it may be twisted or braided at the back, making an elaborate coiffure for afternoon. This insures the head being cool in all places at different times.’ (Health And Beauty Hints, 1910)

Related: 200+ Historical DIY Natural Beauty Products

‘It is a good thing, about noon, to take out one’s hairpins and to toss the hair loose. It looks pretty and it does the hair a world of good […] letting the air circulate through it.’ After washing and drying the hair, ‘leave the hair hang loose for two hours. […] The girl with the prettiest hair in the world makes it her pleasure to let her hair hang down the day it is shampooed. She braids it loosely and she ties it with a picturesque bow of ribbon. Then she puts on a lovely afternoon gown and is at home to her friend. Her coiffure, or the lack of it, is put down to novelty. Certainly it is becoming.’ (Chicago Tribune, 1907)

Continue reading Heat, Hair & Hair Color – Victorian And Edwardian Hair Care

Pomade And Hairspray – Victorian And Edwardian Hair Care

Pomade And Hairspray - Victorian And Edwardian Hair Care

Hair pomade

Pomade and oil is used for cleansing and healing the scalp, making the hair glossy and smooth. ‘In using oil, the animal and vegetable oils should always be preferred, as mineral oils, especially the petroleum products, have a very poor affinity for animal tissues. Continue reading Pomade And Hairspray – Victorian And Edwardian Hair Care